Tips and tools for successfully managing a team This video is sponsored by the BAND app. Get BAND for FREE here: To learn more about BAND head over here: Video was filmed in this location (Malibu): Today, I want to share with you my thoughts on building your first team. One of the biggest misconceptions about business is that the more people you have in your team the more revenue you would be able to generate. Everything that I'm going to talk about in this video is based on my own experience. Last month, my company called Linguamarina was able to generate $40,000 and we're only a team of 4 people. What's really important when starting a business is to do everything yourself. Your mission as a founder is to create a strategy and vision of where your company is going but you need to understand how fast a task can be performed and what to include in instructions for your future employees. You need to think about your company and your team in terms of functions and not people. So you don't have a marketing person, you have three functions related to this position, for example. You need to write down precise instructions for each and every function that you have listed. When you have even one person in your team, you need to set rules on how you communicate. In my case, for example, I don't like when people send me audio messages. You need to let them know how and where you communicate. The BAND app is a great platform that you can use to communicate with your team. Time codes: 0:14 One of misconceptions about business 1:44 What you need to do when starting out 2:52 Tips on creating instructions for your team 5:57 The reason you should hire international contractors 6:33 Effective communication with a remote team 9:14 How I communicate with my team 11:00 My sources of revenue Videographer: Oleg Shevchyshyn ( I post daily stories about my life and business routine on my Instagram - ⭐ ENROLL IN MY YOUTUBE COURSE - 💰 INVESTMENT APPS & BOOKS: - Savings Calculator - - Get $50 when you join Personal Capital - - Get two FREE stocks on Webull - - Claim your FREE stock on Robinhood - - Listen to Tony Robbins's audiobook "MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom" - I use affiliate links whenever possible (if you purchase items listed above using my affiliate links, I will get a bonus) #Business #BusinessStrategy #WithMe #siliconvalleygirl #marinamogilko